Abstract represents oral or poster presentation of original research of the author or innovation in psychotherapeutic practice. Previously submitted works are not to be suggested unless updated with new findings, data, or methodology.
Abstract should include title (up to 20 words), introduction, goal, methodology, results, conclusions, and key words (three or four). The scope of the abstract should be up to 300 words, excluding the title and author. References, table, or pictures can’t be included in the abstract.
While submitting an abstract, a full first and second name as well author and co-author affiliation to be included. Underline fist and second name of the author to be presenting. Presenting author is responsible to notify co-authors about the submission process and secure conflict of interest statement.
Abstracts can be summited for different types of presentations:
- Symposia : 3–5 presentations from different psychotherapy schools, including moderated discussion on common topic, professional issue or research question (up to 90 minutes, including discussions). Registration for this type must (1) abstractwith overview of the whole session as well as moderators and (2) individual abstract for each of the individual presentations.
- Oral presentation: Individual presentation under thematic area with moderator (15-20 minutes, including discussion);
- Poster: Will be displayed and viewing sessions will be organized to enable interaction between participants and authors.
- Workshop: Session of experiential learning with active participation of all participants. Workshop should be up to 90 minutes and follow common structure: introduction, main activity and reflective
- Panel discussion: Structured discussion is providing an opportunity for group discussion among the colleagues about the specific topic. Strucutred discussion can be up to 90 minutes and include two to four presenters to facilitate short statement on the selected topic. These sessions are to be structured in a manner to encourage and invite audience participation during discussion. Moderator can be pre-selected.
- Round table: Discussion on variouscontemporary or controversial topics in psychotherapy and similar areas.
Scientific board can select different presentation areas for submitted abstracts.
Notification about abstract evaluation results will be shared with the author including a detailed information about presentation process.
Authors are fully responsible for ethical and scientific content reflected under abstracts.
Abstract should be submitted in clear Bosnian, Serbian, Croatian or English with proper spelling and grammar. Original abstracts will not be lectured, for linguistical and grammatical accuracy authors are responsible. All linguistical, grammatical or scientific errors will be published, unless edited by the author. Abstracts are to be submitted using Times New Roman, size 12pt, spacing 1.5. Title to be written in capital letters in Times New Roman, bold, 12pt.
Minimum one author from each accepted submission should register at the 1. Congress of Psychotherapeutic Associations in Bosnia and Herzegovina by 30. 12. 2022.
Abstracts are to be shred only by online submission form.
For abstracts for poster and oral presentations by 31. 01. 2023.