Adila Softić
Predsjednica organizacionog odbora

Adila Softić, diplomirani psiholog
Evropski certificirani psihoterapeut transakcione analize CTA
ECP holder
PredsjednicaOrganizacionog odbora Prvog kongresa psihoterapeuta u BiH
Diplomirani psiholog ( Univerzitet u Sarajevu )
Radi u JZU Zavod za bolesti ovisnosti ZDK, Zenica, od početka rada Zavoda.
Predavač na Institutu za transakcionu analizu ICTA u Beogradu
Vodi psihološko savjetovalište ukompaniji Transcom Worldwide d.o.o, BiH
Radila kao Stručni saradnik iz prakse na Filozofskom fakultetu , Univerzitet u Zenici
Prvo radno iskustvo u osnovnoj školi u pedagoškoj službi.
NVO sektor: UG Život ( udruženje žena oboljelih od karcinoma dojke), Romano centro , UG Karneol
U svom radu fokusirana je na rad sa starijim maloljetnicima, odraslim, porodicom, bračnom psihoterapijom te radi personal development grupe sa psihoterapeutima u edukaciji/ superviziji. Radi individualnu i grupnu psihoterapiju.
Autor i koautor različitih stručnih i naučnih radova, publikacija i priručnika, aktivni učesnik na različitim konferencijama, kongresima i seminarima.
Predsjednica UG BIHOTA ( BiH organizacija transakcione analize).
Član EATA i EAP. Član Društva psihologa u BiH
Član Upravnog odbora Saveza psihoterapijskih udruženja u BiH
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Adila Softić, Psychologist ( University of Sarajevo )
European Certified Transactional Analysis Therapist CTA
ECP holder
President of the Organizing Committee of the First Congress of Psychotherapists in BiH
She works at the PHI Institute for Addiction Diseases ZDC, Zenica,from the beginning of the work of the Institute
Lecturer at the Institute for Transactional Analysis ICTA in Belgrade
She runs a psychological counseling at TranscomWorldwide d.o.o, Bosnia and Herzegovina
She worked as an Expert Associate in Practice at the Faculty of Philosophy, University of Zenica
The first work experience in primary school in the pedagogical service.
NGO sector: NGO Život (Association of Women with Breast Cancer), Romano centro, NGO Karneol
In her work she is focused on working with older minors, adults, family, marital psychotherapy and work personal development groups with psychotherapists in education / supervision. She does individual and group psychotherapy.
Author and co-author of various professional and scientific papers, publications and manuals, active participant in various conferences, congresses and seminars.
President of the NGO BIHOTA (B&H organization of transaction analysis).
Member of EATA and EAP. Member of the Society of Psychologists in B&H
Member of the Board of the Association of Psychotherapeutic Associations in B&H
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