Mevludin Hasanović
Predsjednik naučnog odbora MEVLUDIN HASANOVIĆ
Predsjednik naučnog odbora Prvog kongresa psihoterapeuta u BiH
Medicinski fakultetUniverziteta u Tuzli
Medical Faculty, University of Tuzla
Mobitel: +38761656 608
Rođen 05.10.1958. g. u Brčkom, gdje završio osnovnu školu i gimnaziju, diplomirao je 1982. g. na Medicinskom fakultetu Univerziteta u Sarajevu. Specijalistički staž je proveo u Brčkom, Tuzli i Zagrebu, specijalista neuropsihijatar od 01.10.1991. g. Aktivno je učestvovao u odbrani Bosne i Hercegovine sve vrijeme rata, i bio društveno politički i kulturnoaktivno angažovan. Zvanje Primarius je dobio 1994. g.Od 13.08.1996. g.radi na Klinici za psihijatriju JZU UKC Tuzla u Tuzli do danas, a od 2003. g. obavlja dužnost šefa Odjeljenja za socijalnu psihijatriju na ovoj Klinici. Završio je niz stručnih edukacijau SAD, Kanadi, Švedskoj, Italiji i Velikoj Britaniji.Od 2000. g. je na dužnosti višeg asistenta na Katedri za psihijatriju sa medicinskom psihologijom, Medicinskog fakulteta, Univerzita u Tuzli. Član je Uredničkog odbora nekoliko stručnih i naučnih časopisa.
Bio je nastavnik na Islamskom pedagoškom fakultetu Univerziteta u Zenici od 2007. -2021. g. Postao Grupni analitičar 2009. g. a 2013. g. je postao edukator u Grupnoj analizi. Od marta 2013. akreditovan od EMDR Europe za EMDR praktičara a 2017. g. za EMDR konsultanta. Trenutno je u treningu za EMDR trenere i član je Izvršnog Odbora EMDR Europe.Magistrirao je 06.02.2003. g., a doktorirao 25.04.2009. g. na Medicinskom fakultetu, Univerziteta u Tuzli. Izabran u zvanje Docenta na Medicinskom fakultetu, Univerziteta u Tuzli 24.12.2009. g. Za vanrednog profesora je izabran 25.12.2014. g., a reizabran u isto zvanje 13.11.2020. g. Subspecijalista Socijalne psihijatrije je od oktobra 2006. godine. Uspješno je vodio mentorstvo za tri magistarske radnje na Medicinskom fakultetu Univerziteta u Tuzli i na Islamskom pedagoškom fakultetu Univerziteta u Zenici. Mentorje za dvoje doktoranatana Medicinskom fakultetu Univerziteta u Tuzli.
Bio je Predsjednik Udruženja psihijatara Tuzlanskog kantona (UPTK), aktuelno je Potpredsjednik (UPTK), i Predsjednik je Udruženja EMDR terapeuta u Bosni i Hercegovini (od 2013. g.). Od 2019. g. je Generalni sekretar Udruženja psihijatara u Bosni i Hercegovini (UPuBiH). Predsjednik je Saveza psihoterapijskih udruženja u Bosni i Hercegovini (SPUuBiH) od 2017. godine. Član je Udruženja Grupnih analitičara u BiH i Instituta za grupnu analizu Zagreb (IGA).
Predsjednik je Upravnog odbora Fondacije “Mentalno zdravlje za sve” Tuzla. Generalni sekretar je Udruženja za integrativnu medicine u Bosni i Hercegovini (UIMuBiH). Predsjednik je Etičkog komiteta UKC Tuzla od 2020. g. Predsjednik je Komiteta za akreditacije u Udruženju EMDR terapeuta u Bosni i Hercegovii od 2020. g.Dobitnik je tri Druge nagrade za najbolji naučni-stručni rad u 2005., 2006. i za 2012/2013. g. u JU UKC Tuzla. Kao autor ili koautor objavio je u domaćim i međunarodnim stručnim publikacijama više stotina naučnih i stručnih radova. Objavio je više poglavlja u domaćim i stranim knjigama. Citiran je više od 1230 puta, h-index mu je 19, a i10-index je 28. Kao urednik i kourednik objavio nekoliko knjiga, bio je gost kourednik i gost urednik u međunarodnom časopisu Psychiatria Danubina.Oženjen je i otac je petero djece. MEVLUDIN HASANOVIĆ
President of the Scientific Committee of the First Congress of Psychotherapists in BiH
Born on October 5, 1958. y. in Brčko, where he finished elementary school and high school, he graduated in 1982. at the Medical Faculty of the University of Sarajevo. He has spent his residental internship in Brčko, Tuzla and Zagreb, he is a specialist neuropsychiatrist since October 1, 1991. y. He actively participated in the defense of Bosnia and Herzegovina throughout the 1992-1995 war, and was socially, politically and culturally engaged. He was titled as Primarius in 1994. From 13.08.1996. y. he works at the Psychiatry Department on Public Institution University Clinical Center (PI UCC) in Tuzla to this day and from 2003, he is the head of the Department of Social Psychiatry, on the Department. He has completed a number of professional trainings in the USA, Canada, Sweden, Italy and Great Britain. Since 2000 is a senior assistant at the Department of Psychiatry with Medical Psychology, Faculty of Medicine, University of Tuzla. He is a member of the Editorial Board of several professional and scientific journals..
He was a teacher at the Islamic Pedagogical Faculty of the University of Zenica from 2007-2021. y. He became a Group Analyst in 2009 and 2013 became an educator in Group Analysis. Since March 2013 was accredited by EMDR Europe as an EMDR practitioner in 2017. for EMDR Consultant. He is currently training for EMDR trainers and is a member of the EMDR Europe Executive Board. He received his master's degree 2003, and he received his doctorate 2009 at the Faculty of Medicine, University of Tuzla. Elected Assistant Professor at the Faculty of Medicine, University of Tuzla 24.12.2009 y. He was elected associate professor 2014, and re-elected to the same title 2020. He has been a subspecialist in Social Psychiatry since October 2006. He successfully led mentoring for three master's theses at the Medical Faculty of the University of Tuzla and at the Islamic Pedagogical Faculty of the University of Zenica. He is a mentor for two doctoral students at the Medical Faculty of the University of Tuzla.
He was the President of the Association of Psychiatrists of Tuzla Canton (APTC), currently Vice President (APTC), and President of the Association of EMDR Therapists in Bosnia and Herzegovina (since 2013). Since 2019. is the Secretary General of the PsychiatricAssociation of Bosnia and Herzegovina (PABH). He has been the President of the Union of Psychotherapeutic Associations in Bosnia and Herzegovina (UPABH) since 2017. He is a member of the Association of Group Analysts in BH and the Institute for Group Analysis Zagreb (IGA).
He is the President of the Board of Directors of the Foundation “Mental Health for All” Tuzla. He is the Secretary General of the Association for Integrative Medicine in Bosnia and Herzegovina (AIMBH). He is the President of the Ethics Committee of the University College Tuzla since 2020. He has been the President of the Accreditation Committee of the Association of EMDR Therapists in Bosnia and Herzegovina since 2020. He won three Second Awards for the best scientific and professional papers published in 2005, 2006 and 2012/2013 y in PI UCC Tuzla. As an author or co-author, he has published hundreds of scientific and professional papers in domestic and international professional publications. He has published several chapters in domestic and foreign books. He has been cited more than 1,240 times, his h-index is 19 and his i10-index is 28. As an editor and co-editor he has published several books, was a guest co-editor and guest editor in the international journal Psychiatria Danubina. He is married and the father of five children.