Sabina Zijadić Husić

Član organizacionog i programskog odbora

Dipl. psiholog Sabina Zijadić Husić

Član organizacionog i programskog odbora Prvog kongresa psihoterapeuta u BiH

Evropski akreditovan EAIP psihoterapeut, trener i supervizor, specijalista dječje i adolescentne integrativne psihoterapije. Kovoditelj edukacijskih programa u BHIDAPA – trening Institutu za edukacijske programe za djecu, mlade i odrasle. Radi na pružanju podrške, savjetovanja i psihoterapijskim tretmanima roditelja i nastavnika, te tretmanima djece mladih i odraslih kroz individualnu terapiju, terapiju parova. Vodi radionice za lični rast i razvoj. Od osnivanja Interdisciplinarnog terapijskog centraBHIDAPA za zaštitu djece, mladih i obitelji,  angažovana jekao psihoterapeuti supervizor. Zamjenica je direktorice BHIDAPA. Stručni je saradnik u nastavi iz oblasti psihoterapijskog savjetovanja za djecu i mlade na Medicinskom fakultetu Univerziteta u Zenici.


Member of the Organizing and Program Committee of the First Congress of Psychotherapists in BiH

European accredited (EAIP) psychotherapist, trainer and supervisor, specialist in child and adolescent integrative psychotherapy. Co-leader of educational programs at BHIDAPA – training Institute for children, youth and adults. Sabina works on providing support, counseling and psychotherapeutic treatments for parents and teachers, as well as treatments for young children and adults through individual therapy and couples’ therapy. Leads workshops for personal growth and development. Since the establishment of the BHIDAPA Interdisciplinary Therapeutic Center for the Protection of Children, Youth and Families, Sabina has been engaged as a psychotherapist and supervisor. She is the Deputy Director of BHIDAPA. Sabina is an associate in teaching in the field of psychotherapeutic counseling for children and youth at the Medical Faculty of the University of Zenica.