Tanja Frančišković, profesor u trajnom zvanju, specijalist psihijatrije, subspecijalist psihoterapije, umirovljena 2018.Rođena 1953 godine, diplomirala na Medicinskom fakultetu Sveučilišta u Rijeci 1977 , gdje je magistrirala 1998. i doktorirala 2001. Radila je na Medicinskom fakultetu Sveučilišta u Rijeci i Klinici za psihijatriju KBC Rijeka , obnašala dužnost predstojnice katedre i pročelnice klinike.
Završila je edukaciju iz grupne analize pri IGA London i IGA Zagreb i ima stupanj edukatora . Područje znanstvenog interesa je psihijatrija,psihotraumatologija i psihoterapija. Bila je voditelj i suradnik na 16 znanstvenih i stručnih projekata , mentor 12 doktoranata i 6 magistranata , publicirala 115 znanstvenih i stručnih radova, 35 poglavlja u knjigama, objavila 6 udžbenika , bila urednik 2 zbornika . Suradni je član AMZH od 2018 godine.
E-mail: tanja.franciskovic@medri.uniri.hr
Tanja Frančišković, professor, psychiatry specialist, psychotherapy subspecialist, retired 2018. Born on 1953, graduated from the Medical Faculty of the University of Rijeka in 1977, where she received her master's degree in 1998 and her doctorate in 2001. She worked at the Medical Faculty of the University of Rijeka and the Psychiatric Clinic, University Hospital Center Rijeka. She was the head of the department of psychiatry and psychological medicine Faculty of Medicine and the head of the Psychiatric clinic.
She completed the training in group analysis with IGA London and IGA Zagreb and has educator degree.
Areas of scientific interest are psychiatry, psychotraumatology and psychotherapy. She was a leader and collaborator on 16 scientific and professional projects, mentor of 12 doctoral students and 6 master's students, published 118 scientific and professional papers, 35 chapters in books, published 6 textbooks, was the editor of 2 proceedings. He has been a collaborating member of AMZH since 2018.